Next Meeting, 30th April 2024

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 30th April 2024.  As usual, we will start playing shorter games from 7.30pm as people arrive, until 8pm when we will start something a little longer.  The pub is doing food, and the table is booked from 6.30pm for those that would like to eat first.

This week, the “Feature Game” will be Canvas (review, rules, “How to Play” video).  This is a game where players take on the role of artists and draft clear cards to make new composite artwork to score points.  A relatively short and light game, this should give lots of opportunity to play other games regardless of who comes.

– Image from

And speaking of art and artists…

Jeff and Joe were visiting an art exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum.  They were both really impressed with some of the works, but Jeff was more fascinated by the artists themselves.

He explained why to Joe, “Take Leonardo da Vinci for example, it’s remarkable that he could paint such fantastic pictures and also invent things like the helicopter.”  Jeff went on, “And what’s really amazing is that he could still find time to be a crime-fighting turtle…”